
Letter to President Correa from various European and transnational Organizations

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At the end of  December 2013 Yasunidos Netherlands, Friends of Yasuní and 15 sympathizing environmental organizations from the Netherlands, Belgium, England and Germany as well as the Friends of Earth Latin America and Carribean presented a letter of protest, addressed to President Correa,  to the Ecuadorian Embassy in the Netherlands.

Thank you for your support and solidarity!

                                                                                                                                                                       The Hague, December 16th 2013

Dear Mr. President:
We are writing to you collectively to express our disagreement with your plans to exploit the Yasuní National Park. It is with deep disappointment that we have watched the Assembly vote in approval of declaring blocks 31 and 43 of the Yasuní National park of national interest when several surveys indicate that close than 70% of Ecuadorian citizens support the initiative to preserve this ecological and cultural gem. If implemented, this decision will irreversibly and immeasurably damage the ecosystem and biodiversity of the area. Thereby, it will put even more pressure on the already fragile livelihoods of the indigenous people of the area, including those living in socalled
“voluntary” isolation. The exploitation of the ITT ignores several  constitutional guarantees and leaves the principles of Sumak Kawsay and Buen Vivir as a mere slogan with no meaning whatsoever.
The Yasuní ITT initiative is emblematic for the worldwide struggle for environmental justice against climate change, the preservation of diversity and the assurance of the rights of indigenous peoples. Keeping the oil under ground in the ITT is an example of a move to a different development model that is not based on the sacrifice of nature, territories and cultures. It is an idea that has traveled the world, and even inspired the verb «Yasunización».

For these reasons, we stand in support of Ecuadorian and International organizations, such as the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, national and international scholars and thousands of citizens that raise their voices to stop oil exploration inside the park. We do not believe this is the only way out of poverty, but rather the way for continuing with it. There are alternatives for acquiring the necessary funds to continue investing
in the development of the country that have already been proposed from different sectors of civil society in Ecuador and abroad. Among others, a progressive taxation system, elimination of gas subsidies, reduction of public
spending in areas not considered urgent, i.e. less investment in communication campaigns, and sustainable tourism. The Yasuní ITT initiative is alive and will be maintained by the civil society, making us proud, knowing that in the preservation of the park and its people lies the commitment to the future of the country and the world.

We watched also with deep disappointment the denial of the Presidency and the Assembly for calling to a referendum, in spite of the society claims and the explicit enablement of the Constitution. We hope that the independence and democratic spirit will prevail in the institutions that now will assess the process for a referendum organized by the Ecuadorian society. We will remain vigilant that constitutional rights are met and support the thousands of people in their legitimate right to resist and demonstrate to keep the Yasuní alive!


Aseed (Action for Solidarity Environment Equality and Diversity) – Netherlands

Friends of Earth Latin America and Caribbean (ATALC)

Catalyst4change – Netherlands

CATAPA – Belgium

Friends of Yasuní – Netherlands

ILEA (Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture) – Netherlands

NCIV (Netherlands Centre for Indigenous Peoples) – Netherlands

Nusa AlifURU Foundation – Netherlands

Otherwise – Netherlands

Rettet den Regenwald / Rainforest Rescue – Germany

The Corner House – England

TNI (Transnational Institute) – Netherlands

Urgenda Foundation – Netherlands

XminY – Netherlands

Yasunidos Netherlands

Supporter campaign in the USA

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Another group of YASunidos has been formed in the USA. Their basis is located in three States:  New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. A warm welcome and thank you for this video!

Yasunid@s en Alemania se manifiesta frente a la Embajada

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El pasado 1 de octubre un grupo de Yasunid@s en Alemania se manifestó frente a la Embajada del Ecuador en Berlín, mostrando su rechazo a la explotación del Yasuní.






Pacto Mundial Consciente Brasil se manifiesta por el Yasuní en el mundo

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No Equador vivemos uma perigosa polarização que faz com que nos enfrentemos entre irmãos, devido ao discurso dualista do presidente, que, conforme ficou evidente em muitas ocasiões, não o interessa nem a vida dos povos isolados, nem toda a imensa biodiversidade que habita o Yasuni, de um lado solicitava doações ao mundo para não extrair petróleo do subsolo do acima mencionado Parque Nacional – Reserva Mundial de Biosfera e em parte da Área Intangível – enquanto por outro lado avançava com os processos que permitiriam as atividades petroleiras nestes lugares. A sociedade civil apresentou uma série de alternativas que permitiriam dispor dos fundos que tal extração forneceria, são propostas de menor impacto em populações vulneráveis e, ainda que não erradicassem a pobreza, como argumenta o presidente, evitarão o etnocídio e o genocídio que será a atividade petroleira no Yasuni. Já foram mortos Waoranis e Tagaeris, estes em condições absolutamente inferiores, pois, ao manterem-se isolados, suas armas mais perigosas são lanças de chonta, enquanto seus adversários possuem armas de fogo. O mesmo governo ordenou uma investigação e organizou uma comissão para isso, e agora seus porta-vozes negam a existência dos Tagaeris e Taromenanis. O povo protesta nas ruas e nas praças de suas cidades, e tem sido agredido e reprimido por forças policiais, ameaçados e violentados desde o discurso presidencial em cadeias e sabatinas, assim como por grupos favoráveis ao governo. É um momento em que suas palavras ajudarão a Assembléia, encarregada pelo presidente de declarar a extração de petróleo nesta área protegida como de interesse nacional, a decidir pela vida dos povos isolados e de todas as espécies que habitam o Yasuní, e a decidir dizer NÃO a estas atividades neste espaço de selva equatoriana. É urgente a mobilização para animar todos que anonimamente, sem bandeiras partidárias, movidos unicamente pela defesa do que cremos e daquilo que diz em nossa Constituição e nos Tratados Internacionais assinados pelo Equador com relação aos direitos humanos, em particular sobre povos isolados, bem como para colocar em prática tudo aquilo que mencionamos na Declaração do Pacto Mundial Consciente, por nossa convicção de que seja possível um mundo diferente em que respeitemos todos os animais e a natureza. Quer ajudar-nos? Escreva para: