The First Tribunal on Rights of Nature

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The world’s first Tribunal on the Rights of Nature was being held in Quito Friday, 17 January.
Headed by Vandana Shiva, physicist and internationally renowned environmental activist from India, this “Seed” Tribunal was hearing eight cases to determine their admissibility for adjudication at a later Tribunal, which will be held in another city and country later this year. The Tribunal for Rights of Nature will become permanent, hearing cases around the world.
Some members of the Yasunidos movement also spoke with Vandana Shiva about the difficulties we are facing during the campaign and how the collection of signatures is going. She has expressed her grave concern about the oil drilling in the Yasuní-ITT planned by the Ecuadorian government and denounced the closing of the Pachamama Foundation by the Ecuadorian state last year.
The Tribunal marks the end of a five-day summit of more than 60 global leaders of the Rights of Nature movement who form part of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature. The participants hail from Australia, Switzerland, South Africa, United States, Spain, Canada, India, Romania, Bolivia, Argentina, and the United Kingdom, as well as Ecuador.
The Global Alliance for Rights of Nature was founded at a gathering in Ecuador in 2010, two years after Ecuador became the first nation in the world to adopt Rights of Nature in its Constitution. At the summit, the leaders committed to redoubling their efforts to broaden and deepen the movement worldwide over the coming year, with a series of actions that will be detailed in the next months.
The Rights of Nature movement draws on the wisdom and cosmovision of indigenous peoples in positing a new jurisprudence that recognizes the right of nature in all its forms to exist, persist, evolve and regenerate.

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